11 thoughts on “Dance, Promises and Prostitution

  1. Amazing! It was interesting to see the look on the “johns'” faces after reading the message. Do you think they might have, even for a fleeting second, thought about their own role in the fates of these women?

    • Thank you for your comment lovely and for posting this video on your blog too! Maybe all of us with dance blogs should do it. It needs to get around. Their faces in the end and how quickly they felt silent maybe, maybe, indicates that they thought about it for a second. Maybe I’m just being hopeful.

  2. Pingback: False Promises « Melancholy Swan

  3. I once worked a case of international human trafficking… it’s unbelievable what continues to happen in this world – the sheer numbers. Many people are completely unaware of how much trafficking goes on around the world, especially of grown women.

    Thanks for sharing. Awareness is everything sometimes.

    • I’m starting to get more involved in this area, and I completely agree with you, most people are unaware of how vast a problem this is. People don’t pause to think that some of the women working in teh sex trade are there ebcause of human traficking. I really feel the urge to raise awareness of this issue, but am not sure how….

        • Thank you. I have read these and most of his other articles on this issue. I need to get more tangibly involved with this issue here in London..

          • Acting locally is the best way to start. The Metropolitan Police have a section called Special & Organized Crime, I believe, they or the Public Relations office will have contacts with local organizations.

            • That’s a really good idea. I will also get in touch with the local council and the refuge charity, see how can I help in my area. Love you lorry! 🙂

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